Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Bags Please! We all have baggage but at some point you have to start unpacking. By Luyanda Sibisi
this article was written by my friend and sister Luyanda Sibisi. She is a published Writer, Her article inspired me write the Bags article of my own.
Whether it’s a new marriage, new career or being a new mom,
baggage is the one bag you want to pack lightly on. I’ve always
loved the song Bag Lady by Erykah Badu, I always thought I
was the beat but the older I got the more I realized that there
was more. ‘I guess nobody ever told you, all you must hold on
to is you.’ This is my favourite part of the song. She reassures
you that whichever situation you come out of all you need to
have held onto is yourself. Your identity. Your faith. Your spirit.
Baggage is when you take all the stuff from a bad experience
usually the negative stuff and you carry it around with you.
What is unclear to me is why we feel we need to own this
stuff, make it our own. We expect our current situation and
all those involved to understand that you’ve arrived with an
excessive amount of luggage they whether or not they have
space for it.
We’ve all seen how kids love to show off their scars to their
friends after a nasty fall. Once the scar has healed they still
try to endlessly search for this scar almost to show off to
their friends that they survived a dreadful fall in the park.
We do exactly the same thing with our baggage, even though
the contents of the bags are things we packed twenty years
ago we insist on carrying it along with us to show people what
we’ve been through and how far we’ve come. Why can’t we
take our bags, acknowledge what we’ve been through but let
them go when time says its ok to let go.
There’s a prayer I love to read out whenever I feel my baggage
overflowing it’s the well known serenity prayer; ‘Lord give me
the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the
There are scars in my bag I will always keep with me like scars
from childbirth. The scars from the incision the doctor made
bringing my child into the world are scars I wear with pride, I
know that this is something I should carry and even look at as
a beautiful reminder of that day. There are the scars I know I
should not be packing in my bag, things that prevent me from
building meaningful relationships with people and growing as
a human being. So let’s take stock, start unpacking our bags
and really look into the things we would much rather do without.
Trust me you’ll feel so much lighter!
“I guess nobody ever
told you, all you must
hold onto is you”
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