Thursday, September 9, 2010

farewell our dear Friend Ramadhaan, we hope to see you next year again...

As Ramadhaan ends I cannot help but feel a fear of seeing everybody shed the beautiful skin that came with fasting and step back into their old grimy one. Why do people approach Ramadhaan as if it is a just a 30days break from sinning? There are statements such as “Wait till Ramadhaan is over, then I’ll tell you where to @*$%e& get off “or “Hey sexy ladies! I will see you at the club after Ramadhaan” or “I can’t were my tight jeans right now, I’ll put them back after Ramadhaan, plus I would have lost weight by then”. What!?! What does Ramadhaan really mean? Why fast for 30 days from all the vices only to return to them?
From what I have read and been taught is that Ramadhaan is a month/camp of training and rectification. It is a time to examine and take stock of yourself thoroughly, so that you can be a better person in the remaining 11 months. It is a time to ask sincerely for forgiveness and guidance from The Almighty so that you can be purified and all your actions are good actions from this point forth.
So why torture yourself for 30 days? Why purify your heart, tongue, body, thoughts & soul for 30 days just to start sending those perverted e-mails, swearing at your neighbours and other drivers, over eating, gambling, being rude, backbiting and gossiping on the 31st day again?
Does this behaviour make any sense to you?
Brothers and sisters let us take our actions seriously.
I hope this Ramadhaan above everything has brought us all wisdom. The wisdom and strength to achieve what we were striving for in it. I hope we all keep out beautiful skins and shed them only for a better trade.
So how are you planning to approach your days outside Camp Ramadhaan?

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