Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have mention this to everyone because I feel like I was the only one sitting in front of the TV with a puzzled look on my face. The other day I was watching ‘our’ best friend on TV Oprah Winfrey and she had a show on women who changed the course of history, for example the woman who inspired the Barbie doll. Then it was time to bring out the first woman who posed in a bikini on a magazine cover. I remembered the weighty loud applause that came from the crowd (my TV is not on loud) and how Oprah was saying “We’ve come a long way” with an energy of pride and achievement. As if to saying ‘we are such heroes, we are so damn liberated now that we can be naked and have millions of men drooling over us’.
Over 1400 years ago a man called Muhammad (pbuh) lived in a world where men used to kill their daughters and women were nothing but slaves and objects. He came with a message from God that said “O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outer garments close around themselves; that is better that they will be recognized and not annoyed. And God is ever Forgiving, Gentle.” (Ahzab: 59) and another that said “And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you the faithful, in order that you are successful.” (Nur: 31)
It is through this message that true liberation for women came. When a woman dresses in a respectful manner, she attracts men who have respect for her, who care more about her opinions and thoughts than the curves of her body or the size of her cleavage.
It is in human nature to want to attract the opposite sex, but we should carefully examine our reason and intention. If you marry for beauty it fades, money disappears too but good character is everlasting and good character is found in the women who respect themselves and their bodies.
This is not just a message to a fellow Muslimah but to all women. Please do not short-change yourself, a man who wants to experience your sexual treasures before your personality ones is not worth it.
And if liberation means to be naked in front of the world then I’d rather stay in this “oppressive” state for somehow I feel liberated in it.

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